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RT @IndieFilm_bot: #indy_kr 벅스에서 MP3만 다운로드 받으셨나요? 이제 독립영화도 보실 수 있습니다. http://movie.bugs.co.kr

iPhone 에서 작성된 글입니다.
Posted by cybernix
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RT @ebstwit: 월~수 밤 9시 50분 EBS 다큐 프라임 <잠>편.
잠을 통해 인간의 인생을 들여다본다.
인생의 1/3을 차지하지만 너무 당연해서 아무도 관심 기울이지 않았던 잠! 아무도 말해주지 않았던 잠의 비밀 확인하세요.

iPhone 에서 작성된 글입니다.
Posted by cybernix
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펌 : 링크

[초단기 영상제작]
아이폰(iPhone)만으로 아이펀(I fun)한 영화 만들기
기간11년 05월 18일(수) ~ 11년 05월 27일(금) 수,금
시간19:30~22:00 / 2.5시간*4회
정원 15 명
수강료80,000 원
강좌안내 커리큘럼 강사 수강신청방법

아이폰으로 촬영하고 아이폰으로 편집해서 완성하는 모바일 영상 제작! 
여러 가지 영화제작에 필요한 어플과 비디오 효과 어플을 이용해서 나만의 독특한 영상세계를 만들어가는 것이 이 강좌의 목표입니다.  

아래의 분들게 수강을 권장합니다 
본 강의는 자신이 가지고 있는 아이폰으로 영상제작을 원하는 분들에게 좋습니다. 
그리고 모바일 영상에 관심이 있거나 어떤 놀라운 작품들이 있는 지 궁금한 사람들에게도 좋습니다. 
영상제작 경험이 없어도 상관없는 강의입니다. 

아래의 내용으로 강의가 진행됩니다 
강의 내용은 참신하고 기발한 짧은 영상작품들을 감상하는 것을 중심으로 이루어집니다. 
한편 한편 보면서 제작 방식이나 과정을 설명하고 수강생이 만들고자 하는 기발한 아이디어를 제작 할 수 있도록 도와드리는 수업입니다. 

아래와 같은 방식으로 강의가 진행됩니다 
아이폰의 카메라 특성과 아이무비 어플을 이용한 편집에 대해 이야기 할 것이고 
영상제작을 위한 어플들을 사용해 간단한 영상작품을 만들어 보는 것이 과제로 나갈 것입니다. 

아래와 같은 사항에 유념하여주시길 부탁드립니다 
아이폰 지참은 필수, 연결할 노트북 지참은 선택입니다. 사용하는 어플 중에는 유료어플도 있기 때문에 
작품 성격에 따라서 개인적으로 어플을 구매해야 할 경우도 있습니다. 

본인의 아이폰 
 부탁의 말
2011 봄 분기(3월,4월,5월) 수강생을 위한 '미디액트 팩 이벤트'와 '미디액트 프렌드 이벤트'가 진행중입니다. 본 강좌는 이벤트 적용 가능 강좌입니다. 자세한 안내를 원하시는 분은 여기를 클릭하세요^^ 

* 본 강좌를 수강하신 분들은 '독립 극영화 제작'도 함께 신청하셨습니다. 

* 본 강좌에 대한 문의 및 건의 : 창작지원실 mediact@mediact.org, 02)6323-6300



필요장비 및 교재


본 강좌의 목표를 이해하고 대표 작품들을 감상한다.

강의소개, 강사소개, 각자소개

영상 작품들을 감상하고 모바일 영상 제작의 특징에 대해 설명한다




테스트 촬영한 소스를 살펴보고 모바일 영상의 장단점을 파악한다.

각자의 테스트 촬영분을 살펴보고 제작할 영상의 아이디어에 대해 이야기 해본다




촬영 소스를 편집하고 작품을 완성한다.

촬영한 소스를 아이무비를 통해 편집하는 방법을 익히고 여러 가지 이펙트 어플을 이용해서 편집해 본다.




완성본을 상영하고 결과물에 대해 토론한다.

편집을 마친 영상작품을 온라인에 업로드하고 다 같이 상영회를 갖는다.



김성호는 영화감독입니다. 
<거울속으로>, <눈부신하루>, <판타스틱 자살소동>, <그녀에게>등을 작업했으며 
평소에는 혼자서 뚝딱뚝딱 만드는 뮤직비디오나 모바일 영상 등을 만들며 놀고 있습니다.
홈페이지 회원가입
수강신청을 하시려면 먼저 홈페이지에서 회원가입을 하셔야 합니다.
온라인 수강신청
미디액트의 교육 프로그램은 원칙적으로 온라인 직접 신청만 가능합니다.
교육 프로그램 리스트에서 원하시는 강좌의 강좌명을 클릭하시면 해당 강좌의 상세 내용을 보실 수 있습니다.
상세내용 페이지의 상단, 혹은 수강신청 리스트에서 강좌를 선택 후 강좌바구니에 담으시거나 ‘신청하기' 버튼을
누르시고 안내에 따라 수강신청을 완료하시면 됩니다.
수강료는 강좌 신청일로부터 3일 이내에 납부해주시면 됩니다.
예를 들어, 12일에 수강신청 하셨으면 15일까지 결제 완료하시면 됩니다.
지정기간까지 별도의 연락 없이 입금이 되지 않으면 수강신청이 자동 취소됩니다.
수강료 결제는 온라인입금과 카드결제가 가능합니다.
대기자로 수강신청이 되었을 경우, 미디액트에서 개별 연락이 가기 전까지는 입금하지 말아주십시오. 
수강 가능하신 차례가 되면 개별 연락을 통해 수강의사를 다시 한 번 확인합니다.(대기자란 정원내에 미결제,
수강취소로 인해 정원에 결원이 생겼을 시 강좌를 들을 수 있습니다.)

'final_cut_pro' 카테고리의 다른 글

파이널 컷 프로를 사면 아비드가 따라온다?  (0) 2011.04.12
final cut pro 영상  (0) 2009.02.05
Posted by cybernix
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공감^^ RT @bot_fr: [속담] Quand on n'a pas de tête, il faut avoir des jambes. 머리가 없으면 다리라도 있어야 한다 → 머리가 나쁘면 손발이 고생한다.

iPhone 에서 작성된 글입니다.
Posted by cybernix
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삶은, 팬티를 다시 입고 시작하는 순간 순간
사람들이 아무리 만지작거려도
팬티들은 싱싱했던 것처럼 RT @MediAct_center: <어머니는 아직도 꽃무늬 팬티를 입는다> - 김경주 http://bit.ly/kKq8ur 어버이 날이군요.

iPhone 에서 작성된 글입니다.

'C'est la vie?(삶이란?)' 카테고리의 다른 글

저널리스트가 봐야 할 영화 10선  (0) 2015.02.02
언터처블_1%의 기적 드라마로 제작  (0) 2015.01.21
^^ 게임~~  (0) 2011.05.07
10센티 - 아메리카노 ^^  (0) 2010.10.31
너무너무너무 너무 좋아 ㅎ  (0) 2010.10.30
Posted by cybernix
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RT @IndieFilm_bot: #indy_kr 5.26. 개봉작 영화 <미안해, 고마워> 예고편 http://goo.gl/tzwVI 임순례, 송일곤, 오점균, 박흥식 감독님이 사람과 반려동물의 이야기를 감동적으로 전하는 옴니버스영화 프로젝트입니다. 올해 서울환경영화제 개막작!

iPhone 에서 작성된 글입니다.
Posted by cybernix
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RT @IndieFilm_bot: #indy_kr 한국영상자료원 @film_archive 시네마테크 KOFA에서 5.17.~6.19.까지 2010년 수집 발굴한 영화들을 선보이는 "발굴, 복원 그리고 초기영화로의 초대"가 개최됩니다. http://bit.ly/k37pwW

iPhone 에서 작성된 글입니다.
Posted by cybernix
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RT @cinemadal: 유쾌발랄 [종로의 기적] 티저포스터 보셨어요? http://bit.ly/kZAvbn 요 탐나는 이미지는 엽서사이즈로 제작되어 전국예술영화전용관 등에 곧 배포될 예정! 9일(월) LGBT후원상영회에서도 물론 만나실수 있지요~ 7시30분 아트시네마 :)

iPhone 에서 작성된 글입니다.
Posted by cybernix
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langue(언어) / 2011. 5. 8. 10:59
RT @bot_fr: 사랑스런 ♥관계대명사♥를 한눈에! http://twitpic.com/4knfob

Posted by cybernix
, |

Creating Dictionaries

Prior to building a dictionary, you need to create your dictionary source file, prepare a style sheet, edit the property list file, and add any resources needed by your dictionary. This chapter explains how to perform these tasks, provides instructions for building your dictionary, and shows a few simple examples. You’ll also find out how to create a Japanese dictionary, set up preferences, and add front and back matter.

Preparing Source Data and Building a Dictionary

Before you start preparing your source data, copy the project_template folder from the development kit to the directory that you use for code development. Then, follow the instructions described in the following sections:

  1. “Preparing Dictionary Contents”

  2. “Editing the Property List File”

  3. “Adding Resources Needed by Your Dictionary”

  4. “Preparing the Makefile”

Preparing Dictionary Contents

Take a look at the MyDictionary.xml file provided in the project template. Your dictionary should follow this form, using UTF-8 encoding. You can change the file name to something other than MyDictionary, but if you change the name, you must edit the DICT_SRC_PATHvariable in the makefile.

“Dictionary User Interface and Markup” ) describes the XML schema you should use to develop a dictionary. The schema uses the RELAX NG schema language, which is described on this website:


You should validate your dictionary source prior to building a new dictionary You can use RELAX NG validators programs, which are available from this website:


You can also validate XML using jing as follows:

$ java -jar <path to jing.jar> <schema definition> <XML to validate>

From the project_template folder, with jing located in ../jing/, the command line is as follows:

$ java -jar ../jing/bin/jing.jar ../documents/DictionarySchema/AppleDictionarySchema.rng MyDictionary.xml

For more information on jing, see:


Preparing a Style Sheet

You can prepare a style sheet to use for the contents of the dictionary by editing theMyDictionary.css file provided with the project template. If you change the name of this css file, you need to edit the CSS_PATH variable in the makefile.

You should minimally edit the style sheet.  The Dictionary application and the Dictionary window control use their own style definitions to ensure that the contents fit the display. For best results, do not specify an absolute font or font size.

Editing the Property List File

The property list file for a dictionary is an an XML text file. The project template contains an example file—MyInfo.plist—whose contents are shown in Listing 2-1. You can edit this file so that it contains entries appropriate for your dictionary. Table 2-1 explains the values that you need to provide for your dictionary.

Listing 2-1  An example of a property list file for a dictionary

<string>My Dictionary</string>
<string>Copyright (c) Apple Computer, Inc.</string>
<string>Apple Computer, Inc.</string>

If you change the name of the property list file, you must edit the PLIST_PATH variable in the makefile.

Table 2-1  Keys and values for the dictionary property list file




A region


The full display name of the dictionary. The default is to use the file system name.


The identifier of the dictionary bundle; specify a unique ID.


The short display name of the dictionary.


The version of the dictionary.


The copyright notice of the dictionary.


The manufacturer name of the dictionary.

Adding Resources Needed by Your Dictionary

You must place any resources (for example, images) that your dictionary needs in the OtherResources folder in the project_template folder. When you build the dictionary, the resources are copied into the built dictionary.

For example, if your dictionary uses an image file name test.png, you need to place it in the following location:


The Images folder is copied into the dictionary. When the dictionary needs the image, it uses to the relative path—Images/test.png—which is written to the XML file during the build process.

Preparing the Makefile

Name your dictionary and then edit the DICT_NAME variable in the makefile. This name is used as the folder name for the dictionary. For example, when DICT_NAME = "My Dictionary", the built dictionary is My Dictionary.dictionary.

If you change the location of the Dictionary Development Kit from /Developer/Extras/Dictionary Development Kit, you must modify theDICT_BUILD_TOOL_DIR variable in the makefile to reflect the change.

Building the Dictionary

To build your dictionary, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Terminal application.

  2. Use the cd command to change to the appropriate location:

    /Developer/Extras/Dictionary Development Kit

  3. Enter make.

  4. After the make process finishes successfully, type make install to copy the new dictionary to:


After running the make install command, you can delete all the intermediate files in the objects folder. In the Terminal window, enter make clean to remove the objects folder.

Now you can launch the Dictionary application and test your new dictionary.

As you can see from looking at the makefile, the building process uses a scriptbuild_dict.sh, located in /Developer/Extras/Dictionary Development Kit/bin. This script takes 4 arguments—dictionary_namedictionary_source_pathStyleSheet_path, and InfoPlist_path. It builds a new directory in the /objects folder.

A One-Word Dictionary Example

“Yomi” shows a simple example of a dictionary that contains an entry for the word make. It looks like Figure 1-1 when opened using the Dictionary application.

Listing 2-2  A one-word dictionary

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<d:dictionary xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:d="http://www.apple.com/DTDs/DictionaryService-1.0.rng">
<d:entry id="make_1">
    <d:index d:value="make" d:title="make"/>
    <d:index d:value="makes" d:title="makes (make)"/>
    <d:index d:value="made" d:title="made (make)"/>
    <d:index d:value="making" d:title="making (make)"/>
    <h1>make</h1><span class="syntax">| māk |</span>
                Form by putting parts together or combining substances; construct; create; produce
                <span d:priority="2"> : <i>Mother made her a beautiful dress</i>
                Cause to be or become
                <span d:priority="2"> : <i>The news made me happy</i>
    <div d:parental-control="1" d:priority="2">
        <div id="make_it"><b>make it</b> : succeed in something; survive.</div>
        <h4><a href="x-dictionary:r:make_up_ones_mind"><b>make up one's mind</b></a></h4>

An Acronym Dictionary Example

Listing 2-3 shows how to tag the following content to create an acronym dictionary.

  • LDAP, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

  • MIDI, Musical Instrument Digital Interface

  • XML, Extensible Markup Language

Listing 2-3  An acronym dictionary

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<d:dictionary xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:d="http://www.apple.com/DTDs/DictionaryService-1.0.rng">
<d:entry id="ldap">
    <d:index d:value="LDAP" d:title="LDAP"/>
    <p>Lightweight Directory Access Protocol</p>
<d:entry id="midi">
    <d:index d:value="MIDI" d:title="MIDI"/>
    <p>Musical Instrument Digital Interface</p>
<d:entry id="xml">
    <d:index d:value="XML" d:title="XML"/>
    <p>Extensible Markup Language</p>

Adding Front and Back Matter to a Dictionary

You can add front and back matter to a dictionary by following these steps:

  1. “Prepare an Entry for the Front and Back Matter”

  2. “Modify the Info.plist File”

  3. “Add an Index Entry (Optional)”

You can view the front and back matter for a dictionary using the Dictionary application. In the Go menu, choose Front/Back Matter.

Prepare an Entry for the Front and Back Matter

In the XML file for the dictionary, you need to specify a front-back matter entry using an idattribute whose value is set to front_back_matter as shown in the following simple example:

<d:entry id="front_back_matter" d:title="Front/Back Matter">
    <h1><b>My Dictionary</b></h1>
    <h2>Front/Back Matter</h2>
        This is a front matter page of the sample dictionary.<br/>

Modify the Info.plist File

You must modify the property list for the dictionary by adding theDCSDictionaryFrontMatterReferenceID key to the Info.plist file. The associated value is a string that specifies the id value you used in the XML file. The following shows the string used in “Prepare an Entry for the Front and Back Matter.”


Add an Index Entry (Optional)

This example does not use a <d:index> element, which means that the page won’t show up in a search. If you want the front and back matter to show in a search, add the<d:index>element. Otherwise, users can view the front and back matters by choosing Go > Front/Back Matter from within the Dictionary application.

Setting Up Preferences for a Dictionary

You have the option to set up preferences for a dictionary. Users access the preferences settings from within the Dictionary application by choosing Dictionary > Preferences. For example, the New Oxford American Dictionary provided with Mac OS X v10.5 allows users to choose from among three phonetic notations—U.S. English (Diacritical), U.S. English (IPA), or British English (IPA).

This section shows how you can set up preferences for your dictionary. You can find the files associated with this example in the Dictionary Development Kit located in:

/Developer/Extras/Dictionary Development Kit/samples/

To implement dictionary-specific preferences, follow these steps:

  1. “Modify the Dictionary Contents Appropriately.”

  2. “Prepare an XSLT File to Apply to Dictionary Entries.”

  3. “Implement the Preferences User interface.”

  4. “Modify the Info.plist File.”

Modify the Dictionary Contents Appropriately

You need to modify the contents to support the preferences that you set up. For example, if you want to allow the user to choose from among three phonetic notations, you need to provide the three phonetic notations for each entry in our dictionary. The following example shows three phonetic notations for the word make.

<d:entry id="make_1" d:title="make">
    <span class="syntax">
        <span d:pr="US">| māk |</span>
        <span d:pr="US_IPA">| meɪk |</span>
        <span d:pr="UK_IPA">| meɪk |</span>

Note that the XML does not specify which phonetic notation to show. You’ll do that in the next section by creating an XSLT file.

Prepare an XSLT File to Apply to Dictionary Entries

The XSLT files contains instructions that Dictionary Services applies to each entry before displaying the it. In this example, you need to provide instructions to remove the unused phonetic notation. For this, use the $pronunciation variable, which is a global variable supply by the Dictionary application, as shown in the following example.

<xsl:template match="*[@d:pr='US']">
    <xsl:if test="$pronunciation = '0'">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" />
<xsl:template match="*[@d:pr='IPA']">
    <xsl:if test="$pronunciation = '1'">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" />
    <xsl:if test="$pronunciation = '2'">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" />
<xsl:template match="*[@d:pr='US_IPA']">
    <xsl:if test="$pronunciation = '1'">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" />
<xsl:template match="*[@d:pr='UK_IPA']">
    <xsl:if test="$pronunciation = '2'">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" />

Implement the Preferences User interface

You need to provide an XHTML file that specifies the user interface to present in the Dictionary Preferences window in the Dictionary application. The following example shows how to set up preferences for phonetic notation. The user will see three choices displayed as radio buttons. After making a selection, Dictionary Services saves the it and passes the selection to the XSLT instructions. The instructions are then applied to the dictionary entries.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
        <div id="copyright"></div>
        <hr />
        <div class="query">
            <input type="hidden" name="version" value="1" />
        <div class="query">
            Pronunciation:<br />
            <input type="radio" name="pronunciation" value="0">US English (Diacritical)</input><br />
            <input type="radio" name="pronunciation" value="1">US English (IPA)</input><br />
            <input type="radio" name="pronunciation" value="2">British English (IPA)</input><br />

Modify the Info.plist File

You must add keys to the Info.plist file to indication that the dictionary has its own preferences. The values for this example are shown in the following property list entry. You need to change the values to ones that are appropriate for your dictionary. The values expected for each of the keys are shown in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2  Values for dictionary preferences keys




None. This key specifies that key-value pairs for the default values follow.


The XHTML file name


The XSLT file name

Creating a Japanese Dictionary

The Japanese language has multiple character classes—Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. Because of this, Japanese words often have multiple representations. Kanji uses ideographic characters; Hiragana and Katakana use phonograms. (Foreign words are often represented using Katakana. Roman characters also are used.) A Kanji word has its Yomi that represents its reading. Hiragana or Katakana usually describe Yomi.

Entries in many Japanese word dictionaries are sorted by Yomi. In such dictionaries, the user enters Yomi to search for words. Using Yomi for Hiragana and Katakana is not an issue because these are phonograms, and there aren’t many of them. But for Kanji, it is an issue because the same Yomi can represent different Kanji. For example the Yomi "かい" represents many words: 会, 界, 貝, 解, 階, 回, 介, ...下位, 甲斐, ...

A user who searches for "かい" gets these results:

  • かい 【会】

  • かい 【界】

  • かい 【貝】

  • かい 【解】

  • かい 【階】

  • かい 【回】

  • かい 【介】

  • ...

  • かい 【下位】

  • かい 【甲斐】

  • ...

The user can choose the appropriate entry using the additional Kanji part.

If the search word is "くふう", the results are:

  • くふう 【工夫】

  • くふう 【句風】

Here are search results for “工夫" . The Yomi くふう and こうふ are added to choose appropriate entry.

  • 工夫 【くふう】

  • 工夫 【こうふ】

You need to mark Yomi content in your Japanese dictionary using the d:yomi attribute. The Dictionary application displays the d:title and d:yomi in the appropriate order in the search results list. When the user searches using Hiragana, the Yomi appears before the Kanji. When the user searches using Kanji, the Yomi is added.

For the words in a Japanese dictionary that have multiple representations, the value associated with the d:title element can be different from the value associated with thed:value element. To ensure that users can find what they search for, use the d:yomiattribute with the d:index element.

In a Japanese dictionary, a Kanji entry has both Kanji and Yomi as its d:value attribute of the d:index element. The d:title markup in its ordinary form is:

<d:entry ... d:title="工夫">
    <d:index d:value="くふう" d:title="工夫"/>
    <d:index d:value="工夫" d:title="工夫"/>

You can add Yomi using the d:yomi attribute as shown:

<d:entry ... d:title="工夫">
    <d:index d:value="くふう" d:title="工夫" d:yomi="くふう"/>
    <d:index d:value="工夫" d:title="工夫" d:yomi="くふう"/>
<d:entry ... d:title="工夫">
    <d:index d:value="こうふ" d:title="工夫" d:yomi="こうふ"/>
    <d:index d:value="工夫" d:title="工夫" d:yomi="こうふ"/>

The Dictionary application uses d:yomi and d:title to add supplementary information either for searching by Yomi or searching by Kanji. You can omit d:title when it has the same value as d:value.

The Dictionary Development Kit contains the source for a sample Japanese dictionary (see/Developer/Extras/Dictionary Development Kit/samples/). The dictionary contains entries for various cases, including the following:

  • A word that is written using multiple, mixed character classes.

  • A foreign word that has both Katakana and Roman representations.

'langue(언어)' 카테고리의 다른 글

속담] Quand on n'a pas de tête, il faut avoir des jambes.  (0) 2011.05.08
관계대명사  (0) 2011.05.08
[매일매일] 2011년 5월 7일  (0) 2011.05.07
[매일매일] 2011년 5월 6일  (0) 2011.05.07
[매일매일] 2011년 5월 5일  (0) 2011.05.07
Posted by cybernix
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