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fifth_estate_ver7_xlg10 Movies Every Journalist Should Watch

There are a lot of great movies out there that journalists should see... of course you have some of the well-known journalism stories that every journalist has seen, like "All the President's Men," so I tried to stray away from those. I tried to choose films that, in conversation with other journalists, I came to find that these somehow managed to go under the radar. They are in no particular order... (원문 출처 : click!)
  1. 살바도르 (1986) Salvador 2. 블러드 다이아몬드 (2006) Blood Diamond 3. 스테이트 오브 플레이 (2009) State of Play 4. 시티 오브 갓 (2002) Cidade de Deus,  City of God 5. 네트워크 (1976) Network 6. 셰터드 글래스 (2003) Shattered Glass 7. "Control Room" (2004) 8. 조디악 (2007) Zodiac 9. 굿나잇 앤 굿럭 (2005) Good Night, and Good Luck 10. 인사이더 (1999) The Insider 여기에 추가해서 제5계급 (2013) - The Fifth Estate -도 재밌게 봤네요...
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